The development phase - time for some practice.

I think that the good folk at Msdn have upped Kent's medication lately because I've noticed a rash of new content streaming into my aggregator which is addressed c/- ASP.NET developer center.

As I mentioned previously, the article by Scott Mitchell about creating an Rss feed was immediately useful to me as I had agreed to write an Rss feed that very day! 

Another article that I've noticed is - Jumping Into ASP.NET Part 1: Application Planning and Design.  This is the first in a multi-part series that is designed to cover the whole development experience.  The series is being authored by Mike Amundsen who is one of those scary smart guys who, when he has something to say, is always worth listening to.

By the end of the series you'll also have a nice building block for a KB-style application.

Anyways, as I said, this is one series that I wouldn't miss because it's always good to take the time to inspect your "game plan" and look for ways to add improvements to any part of your core development process.

Play on!


  • They have in fact upped my dosage. ;)

    Look for many more coming soon -- Scott Mitchell writes faster than I can tech edit. And there's always that article I've been writing for the last 5 months...

    Now if I can just get them to up my Scotch dosage...

  • Mike is definately a cool guy. A group of us went out for food and beer a few times during the ISV tour down in Austin. Mike came along a few times and we had some really great conversations about SOA, etc. They are doing some really neat stuff with EraBlogs (ultra-SOA stuff, completely message based).

  • Thanks Jesse!

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