Dynamic Binding
A blog by Dody Gunawinata
HTTP Verb PATCH is approved
Last week's announcement that HTTP PATCH has been adopted as an official verb via RFC 5789 has generated a lot of excitement (and questions). As a summary, the intention of each verb is:
Third World, not third rate
On face value, software development is the great equalizer because all you need is a computer, which is widespread and the Internet, which is accessible. But if you peek more closely in the industry, the challenges operating in a third world country is quite significant compared to first world - just as it applies to any other industries.
Mama teach your children protocols
I work and live in Cairo, Egypt - so I get to see the Pyramids of Giza from my office window while you suckers have to pay thousands of dollars to pay see it for a couple of uncomfortable hours.
My favorites .Net development toolkits