New Song: Story of Your Life (Updated)

All code and no play makes me a dull boy I'm told (mainly by my wife) so I've been getting back into song writing and recording a little over the past few months as time permits.  I recently finished up a new song called Story of Your Life that was recorded in my home studio (equipment and software used is listed below for anyone interested).  My good friend Spike Xavier wrote the lyrics. 

I've been writing and recording music since my teenage years, but the more I do it the more respect I have for all of the professional sound engineers and mastering people out there that actually know what they're doing. It takes a lot of knowledge, patience and willingness to play around with various EQ, mix, effects, sound libraries and other settings to get things sounding like you want.  Things never turn out exactly like I imagine them initially, but it's a fun process to go through since there's so much creativity involved.  There's no compiler to tell me when I screwed up....just people.  :-)

Here's a link to the new song as well as links to some previous songs I've released:

Story Of Your Life (mp3)
Reality (mp3)
No Shame in Crying (mp3)
No More DLL Hell (mp3) (with Spike Xavier)

Here's a list of the main equipment and software I use since I know a lot of other developers like to play around with music as well:

A few people have been on my case to put up songs on some actual music sites as opposed to my geek blog.  So, if you happen to like any of the songs do me a favor and click the button below:

iLike Dan Wahlin

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