Early Version of New Song – Need Some Lyrical Help

I’ve written and recorded a lot of songs over the years but never released them until I felt they were close to finished (mixed, mastered, proper effects, etc.).  I’ve had an early version of a new song I’m working on sitting here for a few months now because I’m just stuck on words this time around.  I normally resort to lyrical genius Spike Xavier or my wife but Spike’s been swamped with work lately and my wife hasn’t had time for more than a chorus. 

I decided to do the unthinkable (given that some people seem to thrive on ripping on things now days) and release a half finished song hoping that someone good at lyrics may be interested in collaborating a little.  I actually don’t expect I’ll get many responses, but figured I’d give it a shot. 

Here’s the current state of the song:

1. Very, very early – not mixed entirely (or mastered at all).  Volume is still too low since it hasn’t been mastered.

2. The current words are just me babbling….literally made them up on the fly (which is pretty obvious)

3. I sang the vocals straight through in one take with no cuts so I’m off in a few parts (apologies for hurting anyone’s ears)

4. Vocals don’t have much in the way of effects…like I said…sang it straight through just to get the melody down on a track

5. Still needs a bridge section

6. Did I mention it’s still very early and not done yet (like an alpha build in the software development world)?  :-)

I need verses (and possibly a bridge as well) and am open to chorus ideas.  So, if you’re interested in playing around with lyrics and music for fun let me know….I’d love to hear potential ideas.  Just email me through the blog or add a comment below.  It’s just for fun, but I’ll of course give credit for any lyrics that I do use in the final version of the song.

Download the Alpha Version of the Song That Has No Name - MP3

Here’s a chorus I’m considering that my wife put together (I really like it).  I was laid-off back in January due to financial issues (which has actually turned out to be a good since it forced me into starting The Wahlin Group) so it’s geared toward that little stress inducing event.

Initial Chorus Concept (not in the current version of the song):

Pushed underground
Feel like I’ve drown
In Life’s charade
Can’t back down
I’m winning now
The Renegade

Previous Songs

Spike Xavier did the vocals on No More DLL Hell and Silverlight

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