
Archives / 2007 / March
  • Panel's DefaultButton whims: not every IButtonControl is the same...

    Today's story begins with a poor developer trying to obey his creative director new guidances in terms of how that web application should have its buttons rendered. I will omit the motivation behind this decision, because it is not relevant to this post's subject.
    The creative director said: "Hey, I'd like them to be rendered as html anchors!". The poor developer replied saying: "I can't see any difference, what about leaving them as they are (html input buttons)?". And the other: "Well, we can apply CSS styles better to html anchors than to html input buttons!".
    So, the poor developer started reflecting his creative director desires.
    After some hours spent in playing nicely with the new html anchor based buttons, something hurt the poor developer heart: all the Panels which uses the DefaultButton property in the web application and previously worked well now started behaving in a strange manner. To his amazement, the poor developer discovered that all of the DefaultButtons now worked only in Internet Explorer. Oh my... What about that cross browser thing?

    Let's help that poor developer.

    Whenever you use the DefaultButton property of the Panel control, you can choose among a set of ready to use controls which could act as buttons, all of them implementing the IButtonControl interface. At runtime, the Panel control registers a client script which would fire that default button, upon the user has hitted the enter key inside one of the html element hosted inside that Panel.
    The client function which handles the keypress event for the Panel client element is WebForm_FireDefaultButton. Here's its body:

    var __defaultFired = false;
    function WebForm_FireDefaultButton(event, target) {
        if (!__defaultFired && event.keyCode == 13 && !(event.srcElement && (event.srcElement.tagName.toLowerCase() == "textarea"))) {
            var defaultButton;
            if (__nonMSDOMBrowser) {
                defaultButton = document.getElementById(target);
            else {
                defaultButton = document.all[target];
            if (defaultButton && typeof( != "undefined") {
                __defaultFired = true;
                event.cancelBubble = true;
                if (event.stopPropagation) event.stopPropagation();
                return false;
        return true;

    As you could see, it checks (among other things) if the default button "click" property is defined before getting the work done. Unluckily, and this is the culprit of our poor developer pain, the "click" property is not supported by every IButtonControl rendered html element. In fact, html anchors seem to not support that property (yes, IE does support it, but we wanted it to be cross browser, do you remember?).
    So, how could we solve this problem and make DefaultProperty works with... say... FireFox? One way could be to redefine WebForm_FireDefaultButton and make it smarter than the original one; we could check for the "click" property first and then for the "href" property, which html anchors have.

    So, here's a little smarter reimplementation of the aforementioned client function, ready to be pasted in your web page or client script file:

    function WebForm_FireDefaultButton(event, target) {
        if (!__defaultFired && event.keyCode == 13 && !(event.srcElement && (event.srcElement.tagName.toLowerCase() == "textarea"))) {
            var defaultButton;
            if (__nonMSDOMBrowser)
                defaultButton = document.getElementById(target);
                defaultButton = document.all[target];

            if (typeof( != "undefined") {
                __defaultFired = true;
                event.cancelBubble = true;
                if (event.stopPropagation) event.stopPropagation();
                return false;

            if (typeof(defaultButton.href) != "undefined") {
                __defaultFired = true;
                event.cancelBubble = true;
                if (event.stopPropagation) event.stopPropagation();
                return false;

        return true;

    As all of the postback event references begin with the "javascript :" fake protocol, we could get the href of the DefaultButton, strip that protocol prefix and evaluate the rest. That will perform our craved postback, in a cross browser way.

    And our poor developer is finally happy. Now guess who was that poor developer... :)

  • Weird trap while using WebForm_DoCallback() inside my external client scripts

    Today, while I was trying to move large portions of a web application I'm working on from Ajax.NET to ASP.NET AJAX and callback support, I've bumbed into a weird trap related to how callback targets are resolved at server side.
    The story begins with me trying to adapt a custom control in such a way that events that originally got fired at client side through the elegant Ajax.NET APIs would instead get fired via ASP.NET callback; the reason behind this decision is twofold.
    First of all, I've chosen to leave behind Ajax.NET because I'd like to start using a "standard" library for my ajax behaviors. Even if I've never run into any problems using Ajax.NET and I've loved it for quite some time, I hope Microsoft will make their best effort to support and integrate this platform inside the ASP.NET framework, even better than any other ISV could. Then, why callbacks and not, for example, async postbacks? Well, to my surprise, I've ascertained async postbacks are quite verbose in their communications. Since my project goals include saving as much bandwidth as possible, I've looked for an alternative. Callbacks come to my rescue... And average payloads of this technology are very similar to Ajax.NET ones.

    Back to my original problem. I started preparing my control for callbacks support: I've coded its implementetion for ICallbackEventHandler interface and called ClientScript.GetCallbackEventReference() in its OnInit ( vain, just to setup the callback support. Very annoying!). Now I was trying to use the WebForm_DoCallback function inside my javascript code; yes, I'm using an external script file, so I've no way to use the ClientScript.GetCallbackEventReference() method to obtain what I was looking for.
    At first, it seems WebForm_DoCallback expects the control ID of the target as its first argument. So, I've retrieved the control's ClientID and fed WebForm_DoCallback with it. Everything worked as expected and I was very happy: the test page that was hosting my control played very nice.
    But, suddenly after I've moved my control inside another page, a page which uses a master page, the trick ceased to work. After my callback started, the page on the server side answer with an exception saying: "The target ... for the callback could not be found or did not implement ICallbackEventHandler.".
    I will not tell you how much time I've spent in trying to understand what was wrong with my code...

    In short, the answer to my problem was that WebForm_DoCallback() does expect the UniqueID of the target control, not the ClientID. If you miss this point, you will get callback support that wouldn't work with master pages!