CodeSmith Tips & Tricks: Template Recursion

Here is a simple CodeSmith template that shows how templates can be recursively called, have indentation levels and render to a single output:

<%@ CodeTemplate Language="C#" TargetLanguage="C#" ClassName="RecurseSampleTemplate"  %>
<%@ Property Name="InRecurse" Type="System.Boolean" %>
// Sample header
<% if (this.InRecurse) { %>
// Nested class
<% } else { %>
// Parent class
    RecurseSampleTemplate recurseSample
= new RecurseSampleTemplate();
= true;
= this.Response.IndentLevel + 1;

Notice how on the CodeTemplate directive we are setting the class name for the template.  Then we can create another instance of the template in code, set some properties on the new instance and render it to the current response object.

Here is what the output of this template looks like:

// Sample header
Parent class
Sample header
Nested class

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