CodeSmith 2.1.1270 Released!

Here is a list of some of the changes for this release.
  • Added designers for TableSchemaCollection, CommandSchemaCollection, and ViewSchemaCollection.  These types can now be used as properties in the GUI and in the VS.NET custom tool.
  • Added ability to select multiple root folders in CodeSmith Explorer.
  • Enabled the maximize button on the explorer and generator forms.
  • Included the awesome C# collection templates built by Chris Nahr.
  • Made it so that if you had a previous selection the schema explorer designers will automatically select that item.
  • Added CustomProperties sample.  This sample demonstrates using the XmlSerializer to deserialize an object and use it as a property.
  • Added ExtendedProperties collection to all schema objects.  These can be used to hold any custom data.
  • Made SqlSchemaProvider populate all extended properties from SQL 2000 into the ExtendedProperties collection on each schema object.
  • Made SqlSchemaProvider populate five additional extended properties on each column: CS_IsIdentity, CS_IdentitySeed, CS_IdentityIncrement, CS_IsRowGuidCol, and CS_Default.
  • Added CommandText property to the CommandSchema object.  This can be used to get the code for the command.
  • Added IsDependantOf method to the TableSchema object.  This will determine if a given table is a dependant of another table by crawling the ForeignKey heirarchy.
  • Added TableDependancyComparer class.  This can be used to sort tables in order of dependancy.
  • Made all Schema Explorer designers remember their last selected data source.
  • Added IsPrimaryKey, IsUnique, and IsClustered properties to IndexSchema.
  • Added DateCreated to TableSchema, ViewSchema, and CommandSchema.
  • Added support for Debug attribute in the CodeTemplate directive.  This must be set to true before you will be able to debug your templates.
  • Added error handling to CodeSmithConsole and changed it to return a non-zero number if it fails.
  • Added typed DataSet sample template and test application (TypedDataSetTester).  These are a work in progress but I am hoping to get feedback.
  • Implemented the Equals and GetHashCode methods for each schema object.  Equals will now check for value equality instead of reference equality.
  • Click here for a complete list of changes.

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