Next CodeSmith Release Ready

Here is a list of the changes for the next version of CodeSmith. It is ready to release now, but I am not legally able to release a new version until ownership has been transferred to me from RedRiver Systems. So far I have $100 of ~$300 (this is the revised estimate after speaking in detail with several lawyers) needed for lawyer fees to make the transfer happen.
  • Removed expiration.
  • Added CodeSmithConsole.exe to enable processing a .xml property file from the command line. (CSharpCodeGeneratorSample and VBCodeGeneratorSample folders)
  • Created installer.
  • Added a Visual Basic Code Generator Sample (VBCodeGeneratorSample).
  • Added a designer for the DatabaseSchema object.
  • Added Owner property to TableSchema, ViewSchema, and CommandSchema and fixed bug relating to tables, stored procedures and views were assuming dbo as an owner.
  • Fixed problem where SchemaExplorer would fail if collation was different from the master database.
  • Added view support to SchemaExplorer.
  • Fixed problem with SQL7 compatibility and column descriptions.
  • Updated CollectionGen templates from the latest CollectionGen release.
  • Changed to a build system instead of going on and on forever with beta builds.
  • Dropped support for Visual Studio .NET 2002. The Visual Studio features will only work with the final release of Visual Studio .NET 2003.
  • Dropped RedRiver from all namespaces. If you have templates that refer to RedRiver, you will need to update them.
If you would like to see these new features/changes released, please help support CodeSmith by clicking on the image below and making a donation. All donations are appreciated!

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