SharePoint 2007 Books: What's in that's new that's good.

This week I ordered Todd Bleeker's new SharePoint book: Developer's Guide to the Windows SharePoint Services v3 Platform. Feedback for it is so far great, and I can't wait to give it a read. Todd receives an Attaboy for being the first to get a SharePoint dev book on the shelves, just 22 days after MOSS 2007 went RTM. Scot Hillier won that one for 2003 by publishing about a year and a half after RTM. Let's just say that life is sublime for developers in 2007.

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And I'm working on one too with a great team including John Holliday, John Alexander, Jeff Julian, and Tom Rizzo. it's called Professional SharePoint 2007 Development and is scheduled for a June 2007 release.

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What else is in the pipeline? Mike Walsh is compiling a list of all the SharePoint 2007 books both in the wild and on the way. Browsing through it, I see one more that deserves mention, and that would be Bill English's Office SharePoint Server 2007 Andministrator's Companion. Bill edited the only book an administrator needed for 2003, and I expect he's topped himself with this one.

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In writing this I found something cool that Amazon does: Search results include results from inside the books. Of course they don't have it for every book, but they do have full text for a couple where I've been mentioned, and that was a big surprise.

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