"How to build a SharePoint dev box" updated

I've updated the article on how to build a development machine for SharePoint 2007.

The best tool I've discovered  is the SharePoint Manager 2007 which takes over from the SharePoint Inspector as the object model browser of choice.

Notable tools not yet on the how-to  page are the U2U CAML Creator tool and Ms. White's Event Receiver Manager.

Several of the recommended tools were moved into a new optional section, the most notable of which is the VSeWSS component which I really can't recommend. There are so many better project templates available on CodePlex that the sole bright spot of VSeWSS is the Solution Generator. In another tragic turn, VSeWSS was "updated" and baked into VS 2008 in a way that actually made a few templates worse. So while the workflow designer is better, it's even harder to deploy your custom workflow to another machine now.

As always, if you see ways to improve this how-to guide I'd love to hear from you!

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