
Archives / 2008 / November
  • How to detect search engine crawlers?

    Today I was looking for a solution how to detect when a client is a search engine crawler, you can create a fancy solution for this, but in the .NET framework their is already a solution to detect search engine crawler. The property Request.Browser.Crawler. If you use this property you always get false even if the site is visited by a search engine crawler, that's because it's not configured in a default installation of .NET.

    ASP.NET uses the <browsercaps> section in machine.config or web.config to determine the client browser is a crawler or not. In the default installation the crawler filter information is all blank,  that's why you'd always get false. To fix this problem, you should add the search engine crawler filters in the <browsercaps> and add this section to your web.config. Like this:

  • Visual Studio Window Layout

    Today I was playing around with my windows in Visual Studio to get them in place exactly how want it,, but how do I save my window layout settings? I found it on Sara Ford's weblog, simply close Visual Studio and the window layout will be saved.

    When you mess-up your windows your can reset them by pressing "Window" -> "Reset Window Layout".