DevDays ‘09 The Netherlands day #2

The second day of DevDays and 5 more interesting sessions to follow.

At 9:15 the first session of this day started it called “Functional Programming in C#” from Oliver Sturm. In this session we dived deep in to C# with a lot of C# 3.5 LINQ and lambda expressions. The question was, why would we use functional programming in C#, the answer was given with some practical examples.

The second session of today was about “Building RESTful services with the ADO.NET Data Services “given by Jurgen Postelmans. ADO.NET Data Services is build on top of the Web Programming Model of WCF. In this session we find out how easily it is to create and consume REST data services on the web. In a few minutes you can create a service that exposed your data to the web.

A funny and cool session was the third session of today, “Make Yourself Rich with XNA” from Rob Miles. He shows us in a funny way how you easily create a game in XNA. He uses the PC and a xbox controller to control the game, he also deployed the game on a Zune player. In the session we build a pong game from scratch that can be controlled with the wireless xbox controller, it was surprisingly easy to create. Oh and I think I should mention his book ;-).

The fourth session of today “IE8 and Web Standards” given by Peter-Paul Koch. What is the purpose of using web standards of today? He gives some examples how to implement the W3C web standards and give some tips and tricks. He also talked about the new IE8 browser from Microsoft and how it implements the web standards.

Last and fifth session of today in the great hall (with great chairs, i needed that after this long day) about “ASP.NET MVC Introduction” from Fritz Onion. This talk was about the ASP.NET MVC framework, he talked about the differences between typical ASP.NET applications and the ASP.NET MVC application. How do we use models, views and controllers to create a functional web application and what advantages does this model offer over the standard web forms model?

After this long day DevDays ‘09 came to an end, it was very interesting to attend all these sessions.

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