About the stupid Java vs. .NET article

First, read the sillyness in all its glory here.

Now, before you step up on your soapbox and cry from the top of your lungs: "YES! I KNEW IT!", keep in mind that the number game of usage percentages is perhaps not in Java's favor, but the rest simply is: AOP, O/R mapping, DDD, TDD, usage of 3GL inside a database... technologies and tools which we now start to see appearing on the .NET platform, are common and mainstream on Java for many years already.

Until .NET is the platform where core technologies are invented and tried out first, it's not there yet, not by far and people should stop writing [insert tech here] vs. .NET articles which have the conclusion .NET apparently is on the upper hand.

This isn't meant to be a pessimistic babble, just a reality check: .NET is on track, but not there yet. Until then, let's keep our heads down and focus on what really matters to Software Engineering and make .NET the platform for core and new CS technologies, instead of losing ourselves in number voodoo practised by suits.


  • Great point Frans - I particularly hate those ____ vs. ____ articles. I remember in high school the martial arts magazines would have every month a Aikido vs Tae Kwon Do type thing. The car magazines would have Ford vs. Chevy or Porsche vs Ferarri. That whole genre is _________ vs. _________ is so lame but people eat it up for sure.


  • An average (bright) life of a programming language is around 10 years. It's about time for Java (since 1995).

  • .NET vs. Java? VB vs C#? X vs. Y? 2 vs. 3?

    here's the real question: Which one solves the business needs for the business scenario presented?

    X vs. Y is an utterly worthless dichotomy in today's development world. use the tools that get the job done.

  • One word, "FREE"

  • >>Saber Karmous

    >>Sorry Frans but I do not agree that Java is >>big step ahead of us.

    Well sure .net languages are pretty much equal to java or even a bit better.

    and sure we are starting to get some decent ormappers and aop frameworks etc.

    what we dont have is the skill as the java developers got.

    sure we got some bright .net coders but in general .net code tend to be more "Class bla = new Class()" versus javas fat j2ee dependency injection for the entire framework.

    they know how to build apps... most .net coders dont..

    and one of the reasons for that is that MS will give its developers halfbaked solutions such as datasets , dlinq , some messed up tdd guidelines etc.

    and the majority of the ms community will swallow that and never ever look elsewhere for other solutions.


  • Frans,

    Just curious, I've been seeing lots of Ruby on Rails discussion. Have you looked at it? If so, what do you think?

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