Quick note from the HN-rehab center

A quick note on the Hungarian Notation/Coding blog I wrote this morning and which was food for some good replies from Patrick and Chad. I now am a full day clean, that is, no Hungarian Notated member variable or parameter left my fingertips. The arguments I had this morning, about the naming problems of some parameters I had and the prefixing of private member variables, were not that hard to overcome.

As mentioned in the comments and also by Chad's clear posting, I totally forgot the 'this' statement in my arguments, which is my own fault, I never use 'this' (due to HN), and it didn't occur to me. 'this' however is a good statement for non-HN style development, you can totally abandon the prefixing, if you feel you have to. The naming problems I had also occurred with class name clashes and parameters which suddenly had similar names (the class name PasCal cased, the parameter caMel cased), so I had to come up with new names for these parameters, and at first I thought this was a disadvantage, but it turned out quite OK, re-thinking your names for parameters is good, you come up with better ones over time, and in the end the result was much better than I expected in the beginning.

Now if I only could find that phone-number for that AA-meeting for ex-HN coders...;)

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