Visual Studio 2008: project creation failed


If you install the GAX ( Guidance Automated Extensions ) package on a machine running Visual Studio 2008, you can see the Projet Creation Failed message on the Visual Studio status bar every time you try to create a new project, or to add a new object on a existing solution.

Apparently this is a problem with a dll redirection that GAX adds to the devenv.exe.config file on the installation. To solve this, we only have to remove this redirection. To do this:

- Open the C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe.config file on the notepad.( don't forget to open the notepad as administrator, otherwise you'll not be able to save the file on this directory )

- Press Control+F and search for "Microsoft.VisualStudio.TemplateWizardInterface"

- Comment this item or delete it from the file. The piece where this line is found, should look like this:

<!-- assemblyIdentity name="Microsoft.VisualStudio.TemplateWizardInterface" publicKeyToken="b03f5f7f11d50a3a" culture="neutral" / -->
<bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />

 - Save the file, and open Visual Studio 2008 again. And no more excuses not to be working! =)

UPDATE: if you don't have the above line in your file or if this does not work for you, please read the comments below to see other ways to fix this error. And thanks for all the visitors that shared their finds here :)


  • I dont have that line? Still getting the project create failed error.

  • Hi Ravneet

    Can you send me your devenv.exe.config file? This way I can take a look and help you.
    You can send to the following address: felipe.ff at you have the GAT or GAX installed on your machine?

  • Hello Felipe,
    I have the same problem as Ravneet. I do not have the line you reference in my devenv and am still getting the project create failed error.
    Can you assist?

  • Hi Rob Redwin

    Do you have GAX installed on your machine?
    If so...can you try to use this tool?

    If this not help, please let me know so I can try to help you.

    Felipe Ferreira

  • Hi.. i have the "project creation failed" issue.
    And i've tried several sites, and they all say pretty much the same as u.. that u have to open the devenv file.

    But i can't find my denenv file.
    ive tried searching for it, and copying this link "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe.config"

    But it isnt there.
    Im useing "Visual C++ 2008 Express"

  • Hello Ruben,

    that's why if you use the express family the file is not devenv.exe.config file..
    it is the name of the executable plus .config.
    I don't have visual c++ here, but for example for visual c# express the file is VCSExpress.exe.config
    the file is at C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE folder...



  • im getting this creation failed error. i have the VCExpress.exe.config file open but it doesnt contain that string. help?

  • Hello Every one,
    I am getting the same problem Project Creation failed and that file which I need to to be edit does have that line..What should i Do??????????

  • Thanks that worked on my instance

  • Olá!
    Ao seguir o caminho C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE, já dentro da pasta IDE, não consigo encontrar o arquivo "devenv.exe.config" para que eu possa editá-lo. Ele não existe, sendo assim, como posso proceder.
    By following the path C: \ Program Files \ Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0 \ Common7 \ IDE, IDE already inside the folder, I can not find the file "devenv.exe.config" so I can edit it. He does not exist, so how can I proceed.
    Thank you!

  • Oi Edson,

    você está usando as versões express do visual studio?
    se for esse o caso, o nome do arquivo é diferente...para o C# Express o arquivo se chama

    espero q isso lhe ajude,


  • Mas não é C#, o que eu tenho instalado e necessito usar é o (Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition).
    Desde já agradeço, obrigado pela atenção, e desculpe-me pelo incômodo.

  • I found the dvenv.exe.config file under "c:\program files (x86)\...." This is because I have a x64 bit OS.

    That said, the line doesn't exist in the file and I still have the "Project creation failed" message.

  • Hi Felipe

    This helps me a lot...


  • i am having the same problem and also do not have the dvenv.exe.config but i followed what i was supposed to do and i found VCExpress.exe.config.

    that is what it has in it does anyone know what i may do?

  • i figuered it out for me at least. go to regedit and find HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\VsWizard.VsWizardEngine.9.0 and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\VsWizard.WizCombo.9.0 and set all the permissions to full. some of them i had to create a OWNER RIGHTS user name and gave that full permissions aswell, not sure if i had to but i did anything i could. after do that to those directories and the subdirectories it seemed to work. so give it a shot. and i always back up my registry when i change it, it's a good idea.

  • thanks. that did the trick. I just installed GAX the other day after trying the visifire controls. Silverlight was complaining about not having GAX. Do I really need GAX? Why do I need to use it?

  • I have the same problem i don`t have that line...What can i do? PLEASE waiting for you`re reply..10x

  • I have the same problem.

    I can create C# projects but not C++ projects!

    Using VS2008 Professional and Windows Vista 64bit

  • Nothing works. You all suck

  • The solution is an urban legend I think. None of the methods explained above worked.

    I think , this bug exists in only trial versions. So the expected solution must be :

    money , money , money ( Napoleon Bonaparte )

  • .

  • Adam got it right for me at least. If you do not have the line in your config file do what Adam said and you should be good.

    i figuered it out for me at least. go to regedit and find HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\VsWizard.VsWizardEngine.9.0 and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\VsWizard.WizCombo.9.0 and set all the permissions to full. some of them i had to create a OWNER RIGHTS user name and gave that full permissions aswell, not sure if i had to but i did anything i could. after do that to those directories and the subdirectories it seemed to work. so give it a shot. and i always back up my registry when i change it, it's a good idea.

  • Hi Ed.. thanks for sharing your finds too.
    will update the article indicating to read the comments for other alternatives..



    As I wrote the previous big post I just noticed I didn't look at the sub nodes in the the Registry fix, that you guys talked about, and as i said in the post. I was very skeptic that I would find them or that it would fix anything.

    But to my big surprise. It resolved the Project Creation Failure, and I'm so happy right now.

    Thank you guys! ;D

  • Muchas Gracias, Thanks... it works!!

  • Thank you sooooo much!!

  • This is working.
    My Problem get resolved


  • Thanks It has worked for me.

  • So anybody can expose a final good solution please because I still have the problem. Thanks

  • commenting that line helped me to come out from the project creation fail issue .

    Thanks buddy

  • Thanks Adam, that did the trick

  • On Windows 7, select "Properties->Shortcut->Advanced" and check "Run as administrator", problem solved.

  • I have the same problem.

    I can create C# projects but not C++ projects!

    Using Windows Xp

  • Visual Studio should NOT be running while you do this task, else it would not take effect

  • Worked like a charm.... Thanx a ton

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