Microsoft Learning SnackBox

From Microsoft Learning - Born To Learn Blog:

Experts needed - create some snacks!

Hopefully you saw the annoucement yesterday about the launch of the beta version of the community learning snack site called SnackBox. It’s the new place for technology experts to create and share Silverlight learning snacks.

While we’re in this beta phase, we’d love to have people who are experienced with Microsoft technologies (MCP’s, MCT’s, etc) create your own snacks and upload them to the site.  This will accomplish two things:

1.  The snacks you create will be there when we do the larger public launch later this year, giving you and your expertise visibility.

2.  We’ll be featuring the top authors on the site, giving you even more visibility.

So if you haven’t checked it out yet, just go to See what we have to offer, then use the feedback page to let us know what you think and if you’re interested in becoming one of our beta authors.  We’re limiting this beta phase to only 20 authors, so let us know right away if you’re interested and which technologies you’d like to create snacks about.

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