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"this page content and writing all rights reserved"

I just noticed that someone from China hijacked the content of the SharpToolbox web site to reproduce it on his own web sites. This person did this without asking me and without any kind of notification to me.

The worst part is that the page were the pirated content landed states: "this page content and writing all rights reserved"! I'm no expert in chinese, but it seems that the "author" says that "duplicating the original site is not his intention"...
Of course he never sent a single tool submission...

I just asked this person to replace the content by a link to my web site, so we'll see what this guy says.

As a general question, what can be done in such situations? What would you do?


  • I can read Chinese for you. In both the sites, he has stated that he used a lot materials from your site. Besides, he also added more links for Web Service,WSE,STL,Mobile,Design Pattern,Biztalk,ASP.NET/Window Form components etc as a resources dedicated to the .NET developers. There are links to your weblog and SharpToolbox as well.

    Maybe you two can cooperate, combine the two lists into one and give him a license to maintanence a Chinese version.

  • > what can be done in such situations? What would you do?

    There's not much to do, I afraid. Just make this guy a bad reputation if he doesn't come to a nicer situation after you contacted him.

    It reminds me of a situation when I read one of my web published articles in one computing magazine. I contacted the editor, and he told me that the guy had claimed to be the author of the article, and was paid about $1000 for it. He argues that they have no time and no means of verifying if the author is really the guy that says to be it when they get an article.

    All I got was a two years subscription to the magazine - which is now over - and that allowed me to see that it didn't happen anymore ;-) Funny experience.

  • Welcome in our club. I had the same issue with an irish guy that took all the content of my site and only changed my name everywhere. I organize 30 friends to send him an email that he has to remove that site and he did it with some pressure.

  • hi, I think it's really a bad deed, but if he can issure your name and mark he is translate your article, would you still get so angry?

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