Distributing domain entities over the wire

When we design our domain entities we don’t have a presentation layer or database in mind. The domain entities are core business objects located on the server or client side based of what kind of application we are building. Domain entities aren’t designed for distribution. When we realize that we need a distribution, we shouldn’t distribute the entities, instead collect the data we need to distribute and create a data transfer object (DTO) instead. Have the network in mind, a domain entity aren’t designed with a network in mind and of that reason not suitable for distribution. When we create our domain entities, they aren’t designed for presentation purpose, they are designed to fulfill business needs. You should be careful when you start thinking about returning a domain entity to the View when using a patterns like MVC, instead use DTO or a ViewModel, because once again the domain entities aren’t designed with presentation in mind, and aren’t often suitable for presentation purpose. It’s often better to map them to a DTO or ViewModel, objects that are suitable for presentation purpose or passed over the wire.

I often see demos and example codes where models are generated out from a database. Remember it you do that, your application’s design is driven by a relational database schema, do you really want a database to set the limit in your application design? I don’t. Developers are good at one thing, implementing business logic, that is what they do, that is what they are good at, that is what they should focus on (if we live in the perfect world ;)). We should work against our model. We shouldn’t care about how the database schema looks like. A database is a way to store information, and we have database administrator that are experts in the database area, let them handle the database schema and together with developers map the domain model to the database schema, with the use of an ORM, like Entity Framework 4.0 or nHibernate etc.

When it comes to WCF or Web Services, never distribute the domain entities, they aren’t designed for that kind of purpose in the first place(if we don’t use Distributed Domain Driven Design). There is a reason why we call the data sent from a Service as a message. A message is created with network in mind, that is why we use data contracts. When it comes to .NET RIA Services, don’t distribute the Entity Framework generated object or LINQ to SQL, they are generated out from a database schema, and it’s so easy to select whole tables and related tables to get what we want and then we distribute it and forget about the network between the client and server. In some cases we don’t even want to think about the network existence because it adds limit to the information and how we would like to work with objects. But we can’t hide the complexity how much we try, we have to realize that we do have a network, and have that in mind when we design our RIA. We can still on the server-side create our perfect domain model, but we shouldn’t distribute it. Instead transform peace of it into DTOs and only make sure we send the data we are needed. I have seen several examples where developers generate codes from Entity Framework or LINQ to SQL and returns it with .NET RIA Services. When I look at the examples I can see big object graphs passed over the wire and developers are using it as it was local objects, they start to requesting about Lazy Loading support in .NET RIA Services etc. Either they forgot about the network, or they have lack of experience. For  intranet, small database driven applications it can be ok to create a model out from a database schema and distribute it with .NET RIA Services, they don’t often even use business logic, and they don’t need a domain model. But when it comes to large application it’s not often an good idea to generate object out from a database schema and distribute it. In that case DTO is much better option. Not only to limit the data passed, but also because of separation of concerns. The best thing with .NET RIA Services is that it does support DTOs :) Microsoft are good at creating frameworks for developers, but sometimes they want to satisfy everyone, and that often leads to people will use the frameworks in a wrong way. WCF is probably one of the better technologies made from Microsoft, they have learned from the fail of DCOM. When we use WCF we have to create a data contract, which force us to think about what we are distributing, they have also add a small limit of how much data we can by default pass over the wire. I know that some developers think WCF is complex to use and not so easy to learn, but sometimes it shouldn’t be easy to create things that are complex, the complexity is there by some reasons, and it can’t be hidden.


  • Good post, thanks - I agree with you. One of the prevailing results of this on my application architecture is then dealing with how to have that message sent back to the server - facilitate mapping it to a domain entity in such as way to track it's unit of work. ie. sending a list of messages, 100 to the client, who then tracks the unit of work (RIA does this on the client), then takes care of sending updated/new/delete message notices back to the domain on the server. Re-attaching these entities to perform updates, etc..

    This is where the real work starts to take place (imo)

  • @Steve: The best thing with .NET RIA Services, is the support of Unit of Work and Dirty tracking even for DTOs :)

  • Very good point.
    Would be nice to continue in this direction to actually show a few examples how to make DB->EF->RIA .NET => SL Client network traffic friendly

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