
Archives / 2014 / September
  • References and Class Library Asp.Net vNext – Alpha 3

    This blog post is about how to add references and creating Class Libraries for Asp.Net vNext applications. There are two ways of creating a Class Library, either by adding a new project and select Asp.Net vNext Class Library template or just creating a sub folder and add a project.json file to that folder. We can also reference to a NuGet package that already includes a Class Library. Adding a reference to a NuGet or Class Library is done by using the project’s project.json file.

  • How to create your own custom configuration source in Asp.Net vNext

    One of the new feature in Asp.Net vNext is that we can specify one or several configuration sources, a source where our application configuration is located, for example the old web.config (Xml format), JSON, ini or we can create our own custom configuration source, for example reading configurations from a database or other kind of format. In this blog post I will show you how we can create our own configuration source and use it in the Asp.Net vNext.