Contents tagged with RIA

  • Is WCF RIA Services ready for the Enterprise?

    Today Microsoft released the WCF RIA Services Beta, it’s now on top of WCF and by default uses binary data end points and data contract serialization. By using binary data end points we will get better performance and make the data sent over the wire smaller (The other preview versions uses pure JSON). WCF RIA Services is a great framework for Rapid Application Development (RAD) of 2-tier applications. Based on the new changes to the WCF RIA Services it’s defiantly ready for the Intranet and small applications, but how about the Enterprise. First of all if you uses the Entity Framework or Linq to SQL Domain Services, it’s not ready for the Enterprise and will never be, IMO, because when we use it it distribute DAL types to the client. They are useful for small data driven applications. BUT! WCF RIA Services with the DTO (Data Transfer Object) support will make it closer to be ready for the Enterprise, but is that enough?

  • Distributing domain entities over the wire

    When we design our domain entities we don’t have a presentation layer or database in mind. The domain entities are core business objects located on the server or client side based of what kind of application we are building. Domain entities aren’t designed for distribution. When we realize that we need a distribution, we shouldn’t distribute the entities, instead collect the data we need to distribute and create a data transfer object (DTO) instead. Have the network in mind, a domain entity aren’t designed with a network in mind and of that reason not suitable for distribution. When we create our domain entities, they aren’t designed for presentation purpose, they are designed to fulfill business needs. You should be careful when you start thinking about returning a domain entity to the View when using a patterns like MVC, instead use DTO or a ViewModel, because once again the domain entities aren’t designed with presentation in mind, and aren’t often suitable for presentation purpose. It’s often better to map them to a DTO or ViewModel, objects that are suitable for presentation purpose or passed over the wire.

  • How SubmitChanges works in .NET RIA Servies

    Now I’m back from my 4 week long vacation. I have spend a lot of time with my new apartment, took about 2 month to get most of it ready, I still have a lot of things to do, but all the painting and stuff are done :) I got a question on my e-mail regarding .NET RIA Services and the Business Application project’s UserRegistartionService. It was about the AddUser method in the Service and when and where it’s called. I thought it would be great to write a post about it.

  • Will .NET RIA Services be the Silver Bullet!

    I have spend some time on the forum and in the .NET RIA Services thread.. and just created a replay on a post about RIA Architecture and design.. I have some concerns regarding to how developers are using .NET RIA Services etc.. maybe it’s not a big deal.. but I will try to share my concerns and made a copy of my replay and created it as a blog post. I look forward to your comments. To get basic understanding about about my view of a RIA Architecture and also .NET RIA Servers, I prefer you read my two other blog post before you read this blog post.

  • RIA Architecture with Silverlight in mind

    Rich Internet Application (RIA) is an interesting topic. More and more business apps are moving into to the cloud, and more and more will have better User Experience (Ux). According to Gartner Research, nearly 60 percent of all new application development will include RIA technology by 2010. Today we can use different technologies to build a RIA, for example, AJAX, Flash and Silverlight etc. When it comes to AJAX we will soon reach the top of what we can do with it, because of the limitation of HTML, Client-side scripts and the browsers etc. That makes Silverlight and Flash more interesting regarding to me. But what is RIA? RIA It’s an internet applications that looks and feels like desktop applications, it also provide most of the maintainability and deployment benefits of Web applications. A RIA client can have state, so to increase User Experience, the user can work with data for a while until it will be passed down to the server for processing. Because the client side of a RIA can have state and work with data for a while, it’s extra important to have concurrency in mind. Some other users can have changed the data during the time we have worked with our copy. When developing RIA Clients we need to have several things in mind, for example a RIA is often running within an execution container in the Browser, so people can hit the refresh button or use the back and forward buttons, which can be reload the whole app and the current state can be gone. When we creates a large RIA, we can’t let users wait for hours until the application is loaded and started, so we need to load views etc on demand, and split them into small “modules”. Developing a RIA is not like developing a stateless ASP.NET app.