MasterPage and Silverlight

I have seen several post about how to implement MasterPage in Silverlight 2.0, most of the posts are about using “fixed” UserControls and dynamically change the content of a control in code-behind. Here is another solution where a Template will be used instead.

In Silverlight we can use the ContentControl to add a child element to it:

   <Button Content="test"></Button>

The ContentControl has a Template property we can use to specify the Template of the ContentControl. To create a template we can for example use the <Style> element within the App.xaml (Only to make it global).

       <Style x:Name="myMasterPage" TargetType="ContentControl">
               <Setter Property="Template">
                       <ControlTemplate TargetType="ContentControl">
                           <Grid Height="300" Width="400">
                                   <RowDefinition Height="55"/>
                                   <RowDefinition Height="*"/>
                                   <RowDefinition Height="25"/>
                               <Grid Grid.Row="1">
                                       <ColumnDefinition Width="0.5*"/>
                                       <ColumnDefinition Width="*"/>

                                   <StackPanel Grid.Column="0">
                                       <Button Content="Button 1" Click="Button_Click"></Button>
                                       <Button Content="Button 2" Click="Button_Click_1"></Button>
                                       <Button Content="Button 3" Click="Button_Click_2"></Button>

                                   <ContentPresenter Grid.Column="1" Content="{TemplateBinding Content}"></ContentPresenter>


The Style will target the ContentControl and also set the Template property of the ContentControl. The Template property will have a child element of type ControlTemplate which can be used to define a template. We will use the <Style> and <ControlTemaplate> to define our MasterPage. The <ContentPresenter> can be used in a similar way as <ContentPlaceholder> is used within a ASP.Net MasterPage. The Content of the <ContentPresenter> will be the Content from the <ContentControl> which will use the “myMasterPage” template.

Note: If we add an event to the template, it will be added to the App’s code-behind.

To use the “myMasterPage” template in our Page.xaml we simply add a <ContentControl> and set it's Style property to the “myMasterPage´” style:

<UserControl x:Class="SilverlightApplication1.Page"
    Width="400" Height="300">
    <ContentControl Style="{StaticResource myMasterPage}">
        <Button Content="test"></Button>


The content of the ContentControl, will now be located where the ContentPresenter is in the “myMasterpage” template.


  • Interesting solution, my only question concerns any behavior for the master page, I noticed you have onclick handlers in the style "Button_Click" where's the code for this located? Having it on the user control doesn't make sense since it needs to be shared/

    One thing I could see being done here instead would binding those buttons to commands (possibly also in the static resources collection) that invoke some sort of global navigation system.


  • how to get the textbox value or button value in content control

  • if i want to get the value of textbox in a content control what i should do?

  • @Nigel Sampson:
    The events are located in the App.xaml.cs file.

  • @Sojan:
    This solution is not 100% pure MasterPage, only a template.. the MasterPage should never need to access the content of the Content control. If you do, you will make sure the MasterPage need a dependecny to the Content and that is not good.

  • @Nigel Sampson:
    I don't know if you have seen my Presentation Model framework, by using it we can simply handle navigation. In the "MaterPage" (Template) we could write something like this:
    &lt;Button e:Attach.Click="Navigate" .../&gt;
    then in our Page.xaml we can add our Presention Model to the View, and in the Presentation Model's Navigate method we can write:
    public ActionResult Navigate()
    &nbsp; &nbsp;return ChangeView("test.test", null);
    test.test is the namespace and name of the View. Check my previous posts in my blog about the Framework.

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