Contents tagged with Writing

  • Build a Registration and Login Control

    My latest article on the MSDN ASP.NET Developer Center is up. It walks through the process of building a server control that allows simplified registration and login using Forms Authentication against an XML credentials file (of course, you can easily modify the control to use whatever credential store you’d like). Take a look, and if you have any comments, I’d love to hear them.

  • What do YOU want from a Whidbey book?

    I've written a number of ASP and ASP.NET books over the last 5 years, and one of the challenges, particularly with .NET and ASP.NET, is deciding what gets covered, and what doesn't. With ASP.NET Whidbey, this challenge gets even harder, because of all of the new features that have been added. So I'd like to get some feedback on what the community thinks should be covered in a book on ASP.NET Whidbey. Would you like to see:

    • A smaller book that covers just new new features in Whidbey, with the features of 1.0 and/or 1.1 being covered by existing books remaining in print longer.
    • A smaller book that covers just new new features in Whidbey, with the features of 1.0 and/or 1.1 being covered by supplemental materials on CD-Rom and/or online.
    • A large book that covers all of the features, both those that exist in the current frameworks, as well as those in the new version, keeping in mind that such a book would likely cost more, due to the additional costs of publishing a larger book.
    • Something else?
    I'd like to hear your feedback in the comments, or via the contact link.