New Skin, thanks to Jesse...

Jesse Ezell came up with a fairly clever way to add new styles to the .NET Weblogs without having access to the source code, by dint of a bit of javascript inserted in the news section that removes the stylesheets selected in configuration, and replaces it with a stylesheet specified by URL. Jesse's post on the subject includes instructions (in the comments) on how to take advantage of this technique.

Borrowing on Jesse's idea, I've added a modified stylesheet to my blog to give it a more unique look. Hopefully, it's also fairly easy on the eyes. Alas, the stylesheet doesn't seem to be friendly with Netscape 6.x, but then neither was the original stylesheet I was using, so I guess I'm no worse off. If you're using a browser other than IE, and the styles seem off to you, please let me know in the comments. Below is what the site should look like.

A Blog For Graymad - New Style


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