Contents tagged with VB.Net

  • Why I prefer c# over VB

    A couple of weeks back I was asked by a friend of a friend why I code in c# over VB. I didn’t give him a very good answer at the time as I just couldn’t pinpoint the reason. Since then I have had a real good think about it and have come to this conclusion. It just looks bulky. Not a good reason I know. I am not what you would consider a power developer, I use .net for relatively simple tasks and there isn’t any feature I would consider using one language over the other. So for me it just comes down to aesthetics. I can and have programmed in both classic VB and VB.Net and it was only about 4 years ago that I decided to have a look at c#. Now when I look at old code I have written in VB.Net I not only shudder at the overall crapness of my code, but also the amount of non-whitespace. A simple while loop in VB looks less clean than its cousin in c#.