WinMerge as a Comparison Tool in Visual Studio 2008

Ok I know VS 2010 is the new toy to be seen playing around with, but as I have just recently  got delivery of my new Windows 7 pc I thought I would document how to get WinMerge to work as a comparison tool with VS2008 Team System. If for anything, so I know myself when the time comes to do it all over again.

Team Foundation Server does have a built in comparison and merge tool, but personally I find WinMerge to be far better. Oh and it is free.

  1. After downloading and installing, you need to configure Visual Studio. Go to Tools >> Options

  2. Find the ‘Source Control’ section in the tree view and select ‘Visual Studio Team Foundation Server’

  3. Click the ‘Configure User Tools’ button.

  4. Click on the ‘Add’ button on the ‘Configure User Tools’ window.

  5. Enter these values in the textboxes:

    Extension: *
    Operation: Compare
    Command: C:\Program Files\WinMerge\WinMergeU.exe (or wherever you have installed WinMerge to)
    Arguments: /x /e /ub /wl /dl %6 /dr %7 %1 %2

  6. Click OK all the way back down to get back to the main IDE.

Now when you view a file history from Solution Explorer it will start up WinMerge.


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