
Archives / 2003 / July
  • Learning ADO.NET

    I have seen a few questions popping up on LISTSERVs about ADO.NET.  Mainly concluding that ADO.NET is more difficult when compared to ADO 2.6 and RecordSets. 

  • 'Our' Wrox Book

    It is nice to see I am now part of the 'Wrox Author Team' vs. being an individual....

  • Windows Forms Grids

    If you are building a Windows Forms App that needs to use grids, run, do not walk to Janus Systems and purchase the GridEX NOW!  I do not work for them.  I do not even know them.  This Grid is MONEY and worth every dollar you spend one it.  The support is incredible and the functionality built into this Grid blows me away every day.