BEA news

Two news from BEA Systems:

  • The WebLogic Server Process Edition is now available. With this product BEA Systems increase the support for Orchestrations and SOA features.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        WebLogic Server Process Edition provides you with the technologies and tools you need toeffectively service-enable your existing resources, create composite services using
    process-driven development, and extend these composite services to interact with other
    applications and technologies. Each of these phases allows you to take distinct measurable steps
    that are effective for both project and enterprise level architectures.                                                                        
                                                                                                                                                                         WebLogic Server Process Edition increases the features provided by other BEA products in this area like BEA WebLogic Integration.
  • Today BEA Systems published a benchmark comparing the performance of JMS vs. Web services for sequential request processing.

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