Upcoming MSDN WebCast: WCF-WF integration in depth

This Wednesday (25th) I will be presenting a MSDN WebCast about deep WCF-WF integration techniques. The session is rated 400 which means that I don't intend to spend too much time on PowerPoint :). Instead, I am planning to cover in depth (meaning code...) some of the WCF-WF extensibility mechanisms that facilitate the integration of those two technologies in real world scenarios beyond just Workflow Services. In terms of features, I plan to talk about Workflow Services (of course), Durable Services, Security (lots of things here), Dependency Injection, Durable Messaging, Routing, Filtering and more depending on the timing.

One last note, if you have been trying to combine Workflow Services with the NetMsmqBinding binding (or any other durable transport) to achieve both durable messaging and durable services execution, I might have a surprise for you J.

If there are any topics in terms of WCF-WF integration that you would like to see included as part of the WebCast feel free to shoot me an email and attend to the WebCast so that we can all debate.

PS: Additionally, on Thursday 26th my friend Matt Milner will be presenting a deep dive WF WebCast that is highly recommended



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