• The List Schema Xml you can get is the same that comes from the Object Model. One thing to remember is that this is not a full implementation of a List Schema that can be used as part of a ListTemplate within a Feature or as part of a Site Definition either. Solution Generator which is part of the VSeWSS 1.3 download can reverse engineer these using a UI wizard.

    Also, SPSource found at www.codeplex.com/spsource, I have literally just checked in the first pass at this to reverse engineer a list like SPSource has done with Content Types, Site Columsn and Files. This add-on works with VSeWSS, WSPBuilder and STSDev projects. I need to do some more testing on the SPSource ListTemplate bits, and will be announcing a release version shortly.

  • Is it okay to use this tool on QA or Production server?

  • Yes, you can use this tools on all servers you like. It is small, comes as couple of file to extract and no need for install. Run it in administrative privileges to access SharePoint.

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