Passing Value to an OnCheckedChanged Event Handler of Checkbox Control


In one of our project we have a custom CompositeDataBoundControl. I am binding the control with my custom objects collection and displaying records in <li>.

Each record has One of the <li> that is hidden and contains the UniqueID to identify the record and another <li> has a checkbox that will display boolean value. Now I wanted to update the record with true or false when I check / uncheck the checkbox in my custom control.

Below is my sample control which is to demonstrate the scenario. So if you just copy-paste the code its not going to work. As the purpose is to focus on checkbox and passing value.

<cc1:MyCustomControl Width="100%" runat="server" ID="MyCustomControl1" itemPlaceHolder="itemPlaceHolder1" >


<asp:PlaceHolder runat="server" ID="itemPlaceHolder1"></asp:PlaceHolder>


<HeaderTemplate> <div >


<li >First Name</li>

<li >Last Name</li>

<li >Active</li>





<div >

<ul >

<li > <%# Container.DataItem.FirstName %></li>

<li > <%#Container.DataItem.LastName %></li>

<li> <asp:CheckBox ID="chbActive" OnCheckedChanged="chbActive_OnCheckedChanged" AutoPostBack="true" runat="server" Checked="<%# Container.DataItem.Active %>" /> </li>

<li class="hiddenitem" runat="server" id="CustID" style="visibility:hidden;"><%# Container.DataItem.CustID %></li>





<span>No Data Available.</span>


</cc1:MyCustomControl >

Now what we want is when I Check or UnCheck then chbActive the corresponding record should be updated in the database. For this to happen I must get the CustID and pass chbActive.Checked to the Database.

Below is the code for chbActive_OnCheckedChanged which is the main part you might be looking for.

protected void cbbActive_OnCheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)


CheckBox chbActive = (CheckBox)sender;

HtmlGenericControl li = (HtmlGenericControl)chbActive.NamingContainer.FindControl("CustID");

int CustID = Convert.ToInt32(li.InnerText.ToString());

bool active = chbActive.Checked;


//Now you have two important values

//Pass it to your update query or as a parameters to your stored Proc to update the corresponding record.


The core of this code is:

CheckBox chbActive = (CheckBox)sender;

HtmlGenericControl li = (HtmlGenericControl)chbActive.NamingContainer.FindControl("CustID");

int CustID = Convert.ToInt32(li.InnerText.ToString());

-- Get Reference to the CheckBox

-- Get reference to the <li> that contains the CustID. In the mark-up see we have an ID and runat="server" for your hidden <li>.

-- Get the InnerText of the CustID <li>.

Also worth noting in mark-up:

<li> <asp:CheckBox ID="chbActive" OnCheckedChanged="chbActive_OnCheckedChanged" AutoPostBack="true" runat="server" Checked="<%# Container.DataItem.Active %>" /> </li>

--- AutoPostBack is set to true.

<li runat="server" id="CustID" style="visibility:hidden;" ><%# Container.DataItem.CustID %></li>

--- runat="server" and id attributes are set

I know I did not explain a  lot but hope the code will speak for itself.

Thanks to the following resources that helped me find answer to my problem.




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