LINQ to SQL: Returning Complex Objects (Performance Problems?)

In my previous post, one reader commented that the proposed LINQ query would be utterly slow so I did a quick unscientific showdown.

In the left corner: the query returning complex objects from anonymous types:
var q = from o in ctx.Orders
        where o.CustomerID == id
        select new { Detail = o.Order_Details, CustomerID = o.CustomerID, OrderDate = o.OrderDate, OrderID = o.OrderID, ShippedDate = o.ShippedDate, ShipCity = o.ShipCity };

In the right corner: the query returning complex objects from POCOs:
var q = from o in ctx.Orders
where o.CustomerID == id
select new TransportObjects.Northwind.Order {
Detail = o.Order_Details.Select(item => new  TransportObjects.Northwind.OrderDetail {
ProductID = item.ProductID 
CustomerID = o.CustomerID, OrderDate = o.OrderDate, OrderID = o.OrderID, ShippedDate = o.ShippedDate, ShipCity = o.ShipCity};

The weapons: 50,000 orders each having 10 order details rows meaning 500,000 objects.

The result: it's a tie!

Yep, both queries returned the results in about 2 seconds using SQL Server Express 2005 locally (no layers, no WCF etc)


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