extending RSS format with namespace and use it with IE7 RSS API

This is from my article writing. I used RSS to transport order data. The consumer is based on the IE7 RSS API. If you have never done this before read this blog


First i changed the RSS format to use namespace and prefix elements.

<rss version="2.0" xmlns:Orders="http://ppedv.com/Orders">
      <description>Bestellung 29.Sept.2002
      <pubDate>Sun, 29 Sep 2002 19:59:01 GMT</pubDate>

Then i created a winforms application which uses the RSS API. I hooked into the Itemcount event sink.

   Sub NeueOrders(ByVal path As String, ByVal anz As Integer) Handles RSSevents.FeedItemCountChanged

In this i iterate thorugh all items. The standard attribute like title or link are propertys of item. But not the extend my ones. I copy the raw xml data from item to xmldocument. To use prefix in xpath expression (selectsinglenode) you have to inlcude a xmlnamespace Manager

            Dim xa As New Xml.XmlDocument
            Dim nsMgr As New Xml.XmlNamespaceManager(xa.NameTable)
            nsMgr.AddNamespace("Orders", "
            anzahl = xa.SelectSingleNode("item/Orders:Anzahl", nsMgr).InnerText


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