
Archives / 2010 / April
  • Understanding 400 Bad Request Exception


              Why I am getting this exception? What is the cause of this error. Developers are always curious to know the root cause of an exception, even though they found the solution from elsewhere. So what is the reason of this exception (400 Bad Request).The answer is security. Security is an important feature for any application. ASP.NET try to his best to give you more secure application environment as possible. One important security feature is related to URLs. Because there are various ways a hacker can try to access server resource. Therefore it is important to make your application as secure as possible. Fortunately, ASP.NET provides this security by throwing an exception of Bad Request whenever he feels. In this Article I am try to present when ASP.NET feels to throw this exception. You will also see some new ASP.NET 4 features which gives developers some control on this situation.


       http.sys Restrictions:

               It is interesting to note that after deploying your application on windows server that runs IIS 6 or higher, the first receptionist of HTTP request is the kernel mode HTTP driver: http.sys. Therefore for completing your request successfully you need to present your validity to http.sys and must pass the http.sys restriction.

               Every http request URL must not contain any character from ASCII range of 0x00 to 0x1F, because they are not printable. These characters are invalid because these are invalid URL characters as defined in RFC 2396 of the IETF. But a question may arise that how it is possible to send unprintable character. The answer is that when you send your request from your application in binary format.

               Another restriction is on the size of the request. A request containg protocal, server name, headers, query string information and individual headers sent along with the request must not exceed 16KB. Also individual header should not exceed 16KB.

               Any individual path segment (the portion of the URL that does not include protocol, server name, and query string, for example, http://a/b/c?d=e,  here the b and c are individual path) must not contain more than 260 characters. Also http.sys disallows URLs that have more than 255 path segments.

               If any of the above rules are not follow then you will get 400 Bad Request Exception. The reason for this restriction is due to hack attacks against web servers involve encoding the URL with different character representations.

               You can change the default behavior enforced by http.sys using some Registry switches present at

  • Server Controls in ASP.NET MVC without ViewState

      Introduction :

               ASP.NET Web Forms provides a development environment just like GUI or windows application and try to hide statelessness nature of HTTP protocol. For accomplishing this target, Web Forms uses ViewState (a hidden field) to remove the gap between HTTP statelessness and GUI applications. But the problem with this technique is that ViewState size which grows quickly and also go back and forth with every request, as a result it will degrade application performance. In this article i will try to use existing ASP.NET server controls without ViewState.


       Introduction :

               ASP.NET MVC popularity is not hidden from the today's world of web applications. One of the great thing in ASP.NET is the separation of concerns, in which presentation views are separate from the business or modal layer. In these views ASP.NET MVC provides some very good controls which generate commonly used HTML markup fragments using a shorter syntax. These presentation views are familiar to web forms developers. But a pain for developers to use these controls is that they need to type these helpers controls every time when they need to use a control, because they are more familiar to drag and drop controls from ToolBox. So in this article i will use a cool feature of Visual Studio that allows you to add these controls in ToolBox once and then, when needed, just drag and drop controls from ToolBox, very similar like in web forms.

  • Reading All Users Session

      Introduction :

               InProc Session is the widely used state management. Storing the session state Inproc is also the fastest method and is well-suited to small amounts of volatile data. Reading and writing current user Session is very easy. But some times we need to read all users session before taking a decision or sometimes we may need to check which users are currently active with the help of Session. But unfortunately there is no class in .Net Framework (i don't found myself) to read all user InProc Session Data. In this article i will use reflection to read all user Inproc Session.

  • Image Preview in ASP.NET MVC

            Previewing an image is a great way to improve the UI of your site. Also it is always best to check the file type, size and see a preview before submitting the whole form. There are some ways to do this using simple JavaScript but not work in all browsers (like FF3).In this Article I will show you how do this using ASP.NET MVC application. You also see how this will work in case of nested form.

  • Editing Routes in ASP.NET MVC

    Introduction :

            Phil Haack's had written two great articles about Editable Routes, Editable Routes or Editable Routes Using App_Code.These Article are great. But if you not need to unit test your Routes and don't care about restart Application Domian during editing your Routes then global.asax file is the fastest and easiest to achieve the same. In this Article I will use Global.asax file instead of Global.asax.cs file for defining Routes and you will also see how this whole process will works.

  • Session and Pop Up Window

     Introduction :

            Session is the secure state management. It allows the user to store their information in one page and access in another page. Also it is so much powerful that store any type of object. Every user's session is identified by their cookie, which client presents to server. But unfortunately when you open a new pop up window, this cookie is not post to server with request, due to which server is unable to identify the session data for current user.