Contents tagged with Session

  • Persisting Session Between Different Browser Instances


              By default inproc session's identifier cookie is saved in browser memory. This cookie is known as non persistent cookie identifier. This simply means that if the user closes his browser then the cookie is immediately removed. On the other hand cookies which stored on the user’s hard drive and can be reused for later visits are called persistent cookies. Persistent cookies are less used than nonpersistent cookies because of security. Simply because nonpersistent cookies makes session hijacking attacks more difficult and more limited. If you are using shared computer then there are lot of chances that your persistent session will be used by other shared members. However this is not always the case, lot of users desired that their session will remain persisted even they open two instances of same browser or when they close and open a new browser. So in this article i will provide a very simple way to persist your session even the browser is closed.


              Let's create a simple ASP.NET Web Application. In this article i will use Web Form but it also works in MVC. Open Default.aspx.cs and add the following code in Page_Load.

  • Reading All Users Session

      Introduction :

               InProc Session is the widely used state management. Storing the session state Inproc is also the fastest method and is well-suited to small amounts of volatile data. Reading and writing current user Session is very easy. But some times we need to read all users session before taking a decision or sometimes we may need to check which users are currently active with the help of Session. But unfortunately there is no class in .Net Framework (i don't found myself) to read all user InProc Session Data. In this article i will use reflection to read all user Inproc Session.

  • Session and Pop Up Window

     Introduction :

            Session is the secure state management. It allows the user to store their information in one page and access in another page. Also it is so much powerful that store any type of object. Every user's session is identified by their cookie, which client presents to server. But unfortunately when you open a new pop up window, this cookie is not post to server with request, due to which server is unable to identify the session data for current user.