DevAcademy 3 - Dan Amiga - ASP.NET Ajax Internals

This talk is a deep dive into the internals, the unknown and undocumented aspects of AJAX. It's a crucial for developers wishing to architect, design and build high performance user experiences the truly take advantage of the AJAX client-server paradigm.

Live blogging from ASP.NET Ajax Internals at the Microsoft DevAcademy III


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What is ASP.NET Internals ?
its about how things work.
its about how extensible the platform is.

What is Dan going to talk about ?
ScriptManager Internals
Object orientation Internals
UpdatePanel Internals
ASMX Internals

Dan started with giving an intro what Ajax is all about covering the internal blocks of ASP.NET architecture.

Amiga showing writing JavaScript/Ajax demos on the fly...

Adding /// <reference name="MicrosoftAjax.js assembly="AjaxControlToolKit"/>  at the header of  page will give you the incalescence.

After showing a demo with javascript Balloon animation amiga now showing how to write your own update panel.

Implementing partial page postback scenario:
using Context.Request.Headers["type"]=="...." and this.SetRenderMethodDelegate(new RenderMethod(This.MyPart))

Now Dan talking about the proxy that is being generated behind the scene when you use the add web reference.


Dan just generated his own extension to ASP.NET as writing his own proxy class - cool !

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