ClickOnce Community Resource Kit

A nice new source of practical and advanced information on building Click Once deployments has been developed by Brian Noyes for the MS Patterns and Practices team.   Here is the description blurb:

Deploying client applications with ClickOnce requires a lot of procedural steps to accomplish and there are many variations in the way development organizations want to manage their deployments. This ClickOnce Community Resource Kit contains over 70 pages of written guidance and How-To topics that will lead you through common scenarios. Accompanying the written guidance is a Manifest Manager Utility sample that will make it easier to accomplish those steps through a custom tool. This tool also provides sample code for how to program against the ClickOnce manifest APIs to create other custom tools for manipulating manifests beyond what Visual Studio and the SDK tools support. There is also guidance and a sample implementation for putting a custom server repository source for your ClickOnce application files using SQL Server. This material, written by IDesign architect Brian Noyes, author of Smart Client Deployment with ClickOnce (, will help get you up and running with ClickOnce deployment quickly. You can contact Brian at

Download the ClickOnce Resource Kit from here.

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