Principle or Price ?

In an long post entitled Get Out the Tums: Life Beyond the Desktop Browser Gives Agita to Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo the GoogleGazer offers an interesting analysis of the changes currently underway in the computer industry.  While the blog post in a good read in its own right, I want to quote here his closing paragraph after his suggestion that Yahoo is willing to do anything just to stay alive.  It is an story and a thought that will bring a smile to your face - and offer an interesting insight to interactions in all aspects fo your life.

Yahoo reminds me of the famous story told of George Bernard Shaw’s encounter with a famous actress. Shaw told the actress that everyone would agree to do anything for money, if the price were high enough.

`Surely not, she said.’
`Oh yes,’ he said.
`Well, I wouldn’t,’ she said.
`Oh yes you would,’ he retorted.
`For instance,’ he said, `would you sleep with me for… for a million pounds?’
`Well,’ she said, `maybe for a million ponds, I would, yes.’
`Would you do it for ten shillings?’ Shaw then asked her.
`Certainly not!’ replied the woman `What do you take me for? A prostitute?’
`We’ve already established that,’ replied Shaw. `We’re just trying now to fix your price!

Yahoo, at this point has agreed to sell itself. It’s merely haggling over the price.

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