
Archives / 2005 / January
  • The (adult) teenager in the garage

    The past few days have been some pretty heavy thinking days for me. I can say with confidence that I'm at a point in my life where my opinions are not easily swayed and I have enough life experience to justify most of the conclusions I've come to. Writing (or typing) these thoughts down helps me reinforce them in my mind. Having said that, there is one uncertain and volatile thing that will probably always distract me; the future.

  • INTJ's, ENTJ's, and PITA's

    Anyone that has worked in a corporate dev environment (of any size) knows there are usually lots of different personalities among development teams. Some burn incence in their cubicle while listening to Enya and buying a VW Bug online, Some come to work smelling of smoke and beer and claim that they carry visine around because they wear contacts. I'm sure you've run into your fair share of them, and I alluded to some in my last post on this. I guess you could say "I'm back" or that this is "Round Two" of these posts, whatever. Here are some more I've had the honor of working with in the past.

  • My own Nerd Quiz

    Since my introverted nature as a nerd didn't compell me to post my results from taking this quiz that's been circulating through many of the blogs I read, I thought maybe I should make my own nerd quiz -- that better reflects what I consider makes me (and others) nerds. You'll also see that I have significantly reduced the complexity of how the scoring works.

  • Getting .asax in VS.NET 2003

    I looked all over the google, err..I mean the internet and also the google groups...err...I mean the newsgroups and still couldn't find the answer I was looking for so...figure I'll post it here and maybe someone that knows the answer will pick it up.