Build Tool Hippo.NET 1.4.0 Released

Last night I released a new version of the Hippo.NET Build Tool. Although it's a minor update, some cool new features are introduced:

  • Hippo.Client multi-project support
    From now on, you can manage multiple projects from a single Hippo.Client instance. You can easily switch, without having to restart the client, or having to alter the config file.
  • Get Latest Binaries Command
    After a successful build, most of the developers need to update their local assemblies with the newly compiled ones. Now this can be accomplished from within the Hippo.Client application, with a single click. For each project you can define the GetLatestBinCommand, for example a batch file that copies all the latest binaries from the build server to your development PC. Notice that this is a client-side feature.
  • Automatically Get Latest Binaries
    The GetLatestBinCommand can be executed automatically after a successful build.

As you can see all the features are client-side improvements. At this point I can already tell you the next release will focus on server-side improvements, like Scheduled Builds. This can be expected within 2 weeks. For now, download the 1.4.0 version here.


  • I like that you are adding new features, though getting binaries isn't high on my list. I would rather see some bug fixes, please. Do you monitor the sourceforge bug list feature? Or forums provided by sourceforge? They are very quiet.


  • hi,i want to know : Hippo.NET have support .net frmaework 1.0 verson?????

    my english is pool,sorry!!

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