Test Driven SmartPart Development

It's fun to see that the SmartPart is gaining some traction in the SharePoint blogosphere (for example Patrick's post, triggering comments from Erik Schoonover and Daniel). Yesterday I showed you how you can debug your SmartPart webparts without deploying to SharePoint, Bryant Likes has extended this idea and describes in his post how you can do Test Driven Development! Nice work Bryant!

A couple of weeks ago Jan Tielens released the SmartPart version The SmartPart is a very cool WebPart that will host ASP.Net user controls in a SharePoint environment. This means you can use Visual Studio to edit the user controls and use the WYSIWYG editor instead of building the HTML via code. Additionally, Maxim Karpov helped out with the CAS aspect of the SmartPart which can be a confusing topic if you're not Maxim. Maxim does a great job of explaining the CAS issues and even though I've worked with CAS for things like custom code in reporting services, I still feel it is something foriegn (I think CAS knowledge seeps out of the brain).

So the SmartPart allows you do quickly create SharePoint WebParts and you can even debug those WebParts in a normal ASP.Net application, but what about using Test Driven Development (TDD)? (full article)

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