TDDing ASP.NET tonight in Vienna - from TODO list to ASP.NET with an audience ...

I will be presenting “Test Driven Development with ASP.NET” tonight at the WinProVienna .NET User Group in Virginia (near Tyson's Corner).  This is going to be an updated ASP.NET version of my other TDD presentation which has a very heavy “hands on” approach by pairing with the audience.  Some of the feedback that I have had in the past is that my TODO list (building a custom array/collection sorter using reflection in .NET) was a little tough to follow while seeing TDD for the first time.  I chose the sorter since it felt like a real world problem and I didn't want to pick something too simple and have the comment “oh sure, TDD works on this easy stuff but what about ... “

The new TODO list tonight will be challenging in the time available as it involves starting the projects from scratch to build a simple database driven phone search for an ASP.NET application using a complete TDD approach.  This will involve setting up the business layer project and business tests for NUnit, then the web project and its associated NUnitAsp test project while also setting up the database and initializing the data in the tests.

I also plan to give a high level overview of Giles Cope's fantastic NCover and then actually throw together a quick NAnt script using it to assess our coverage during the hands on TDD. - Here's hoping for 100% :-) (and not violating any of the TDD rules during the session as a new audience can make a naive pairing partner!)

If you get a chance stop on down, or post your thoughts here.

UPDATE:  The meeting went very well although we didn't get 100% coverage :-(  only 75% ... we missed a coverage point on a property getter that we added but shouldn't have.  Old habits - hard to add a property with only a setter - I guess we should have just added the getter to a test.  I think seeing NCover run against the hands on code was very powerful.  Thanks to Jeff and his group for their hospitality!

1 Comment

  • Well, I thought the presenation went very well. Obviously we're always pressed for time, and we didn't get through the TODO list, but we did get to see all the pieces to the puzzle.

    Nice "real world" or at least more relateable examples than most TDD discussions.

    Great speaker! Thanks a lot.

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