WinFX Renamed to .NET Framework 3.0

Picked this up from Soma's blog:

...we have decided to rename WinFX to the .NET Framework 3.0.  .NET Framework 3.0 aptly identifies the technology for exactly what it is – the next version of our developer framework.

What a pack of good stuff developers will get in that release indeed. The CLR will still be version 2.0 though. Jazon Sander posted some details around questions that followed directly after that announcement, like these:

1.  What version of the compilers are being used?  .NET FX 3.0 is built on .NET FX 2.0 including the CLR and BCL.  This means you will be using the 2.0 C# and VB compilers from the redist when using .NET FX 3.0. 

2.  Will .NET FX 3.0 contain LINQ support?  No.  LINQ support is in the Orcas product which is shipping after .NET FX 3.0 (which ships in Vista).

I think I'll have to figure out a new tag taxonomy for my blog posts :)

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