ParameterizedThreadStart: Good call!

I just noticed that a new overload of the Thread constructor was added to .NET v2, accepting a ParameterizedThreadStart object. Cleverly enough, it allows you to call the thread's Start() method with a parameter to pass in to the method you're firing in its own thread. I don't understand why that wasn't there from the start, but good call!


  • You can only pass one parameter and your function must accept "object" for type. Next to that, to pass more parameters you have to use the delegate workaround. But it's a good start anyhow, it's better than nothing.

  • Public Class Parameters
    Public strParam as String
    Public intParam as Integer
    ... etc etc

    Then just pass in a copy of the parameters class. A few delegates and it makes a decent traffic conductor for pulling data in and out of threads too. It's way too bulky for fine grain threading, but works decently for long running stuff.

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