Book project follow up

I'm still getting e-mail about the book I started to write and posted chapters for. Now that ScottGu has formally announced the progress on v2 of ASP.NET MVC, hopefully it's more obvious now why I put off the project. As I said previously, I had to prioritize with some other projects that would yield income sooner, and I was concerned with the speed to market with which I could get it out there (read: not fast enough). I also knew about the second iteration in the pipe, which made it a no-brainer to put it off.

As I said, that content will find some kind of home eventually. I still think that the mid-level experience developers aren't being served adequately, especially the tens of thousands in small shops, indie contractors, etc. I'm still trying to get my head around what that means and what the solution might be. If you're a part of that group, trying to latch on to the latest and greatest, I'd like to hear from you!

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