October preview of POP Forums v9 for ASP.NET MVC3 posted to CodePlex

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Yes, another preview, this being #4. A new preview/beta has not yet been released for MVC3, and I wanted to hold off until it did come, but why wait? Read the notes on the previous release (POP Forums 9 - Preview September 2010), as they all apply to this one as well. Added since then:

  • Error logging
  • Session tracking
  • Time adjustments based on server or user's time zone
  • User delete and delete-ban from admin
  • No sign-up from banned e-mail or IP addresses
  • Background service infrastructure, right now just cleaning up old sessions and logging their ends
  • Proper cache headers on HTTP responses, and 304's, for avatars and user images
  • Moved stuff in and out of different namespaces

Other notes

As with the previous release, it's still a bit rough looking, especially the admin stuff (and who cares, only you'll see it anyway).

The service locator stuff is, again, expected to change in the next release of MVC3, so don't get too used to it. The extensibility points, however, should stay the same. If that kind of thing interests you, note that some of the page views, those with dates, inherit from a base page that gets an ITimeFormattingService injected for the "less than a minute ago" and "Yesterday, 3:12p" time formatting from UTC. I'm not sure if I like this, but at the same time, don't want to get overly academic about it.

If you're brave enough to mess with the app, I'm most interested in finding any potential text/HTML parsing bugs. At this point, the wire-up for whether the user uses plain text or the rich text isn't in place, so it's probably broken (or painfully slow) in mobile browsers. Rest assured, it's not permanent.

I've been asked this before: "Why are you running a 'service' in the context of the Web app?" Glad you asked! To reach the widest possible audience, including folks who can't control the box they live on, and therefore can't set up MSMQ or a Windows service (or don't know how to), this is a fairly reliable way to go. I've been using it for years to clean up session data, send e-mail and index posts for searching, and it has been 100% reliable. I'm certainly open to suggestions about the implementation, but again, I like keeping it simple for the crowd that needs to Xcopy and go.

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