Personal blog moved, powered by ASP.NET MVC

I moved my personal blog to a more appropriate domain name, Hooray for vanity names! I'll continue to keep technical and programming junk here. It seemed appropriate though to have a central location for me stuff, including my resume and various media samples, so this is it.

This is the first MVC app that I've put into production, oddly enough. Well, technically it is, though I've supervised the development of MVC apps elsewhere. This little app is what I've been writing my next book around, and it is purposefully as simple as possible. Most of the sample apps I've tried to disect are entirely too complex, and I think that's a barrier for a lot of people. I'll post the code after I've put it through the paces a bit.


  • I hope you have more than just one small blog app planned to write your whole book around. That seems awfully weak.

  • How so? You don't need a program to launch missiles in order to teach.

  • I think his point was the a small blogging app is probably more suited to a blog post or two. It would be tough to stretch that one example enough to fill a whole book, no matter how in-depth you plan on explaining each piece.

  • I totally disagree, and I've got the chapters to prove it. Complexity and features are not required to explain things in a straight-forward way.

    It may not matter... I'm not sure I can devote the time to it at this point.

  • Does makes the blogs friendly to search engine or not?


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