Contents tagged with Amazon

  • Amazon is offering free one-day shipping for the Kindle

    I love this.  Amazon is offering free one-day shipping for their Kindle starting tomorrow December 23.  This means you can buy the Kindle up until midnight (EST) on December 23, 2009 and still have it delivered in time for Christmas.  (There is free 2-day shipping if you buy it today.)  What an awesome way to bring in new customers. 

    Kudos to the Amazon marketing team for coming up with this marketing idea.  But I think the real credit should go to all of the Amazon people who made the free one-day shipping a reality.  I am sure tons of marketing people have had the idea to use free one-day shipping right before Christmas to promote a product but have not had the behind the scenes infrastructure to actually pull it off.

    Check out the count down clock on their home page too:


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  • Amazon Same Day Shipping

    Back in October I heard that Amazon was introducing same day shipping delivery for some cities. Today I received an email for being an Amazon Prime member reminding me that Amazon has the ability to deliver an item to me within the same day.  But what is really amazing is the cut-off times; in Seattle you can order an item up to 1PM and get it delivered to you that same day:


    That is amazing!  Talk about reducing the friction in buying… Amazon is an expert!  Just ask me how many items I bought for Christmas through Amazon Prime just because I get free two-day shipping.

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