"Has anyone seen a pure .NET HTML to XHTML library (component) like Tidy ?"
[Scott Watermasysk]

I haven't seen one yet, but you could whip one up pretty quickly with the DevHawk HTML reader.

Update: There is also the HtmlDocument stuff by DevComponents.

Update: Don points out (by way of Dare) the sgml reader, which can be used to convert HTML to well formed Xml using the XmlReader API.


  • The link is broken, where else can the C# wrapper source be picked up?

  • A co-worker and myself have converted the JAVA version to C#. It didn't take very long. MS has a JAVA to C# migration tool. After running the tool, it was just a matter of going through the Tasks in VS.NET and fixing all of the build errors. Unfortunately, the code is owned by the company I work for, so I can't give it to you. The reason we chose to do it this way is because the C# wrapper version wasn't as efficient (memory & cpu) as the pure C# version.

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