HealthVault Uses XML Storage

Via EricGu:

From the "perhaps this might be interesting" file...

Since the end of the HealthVault Solution Providers confererence in early June - and the subsequent required recharging - I've been spending the bulk of my time working on HealthVault data types, along with one of the PMs on the partner team. It interesting work - there's a little bit of schema design (all our data types are stored in XML on the server), a little bit of data architecture (is this one data type, or four?), a fair amount of domain-specific learning (how many ways are there to measure body fat percentage?), a bit of working directly with partners (exactly what is this type for?), a lot of word-smithing (should this element be "category", "type", or "area"?), and other things thrown in now and then (utility writing, class design, etc.). [1]

Definitely in the "interesting file." Please post more details :) I would love to hear more about this.



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