[util] DPack 2.0 - wow!

On Greg's say so, I tried out DPack 2.0. I don't know how I missed the 1.0 release, but I'm very impressed. This one is a keeper.

DPack is a free VS.NET 2003 / 2005 addin that includes:

  • Numbered bookmarks (improved in 2.0)
  • Runs fine for non-admin users (new in 2.0)
  • Solution Statistics - lines of code, number of methods, etc. (new in 2.0)
  • "Surround with" feature, similar to Refactoring support in VS 2005 - surround with try...catch, try...finally, etc.
  • Nice code browsing / navigation features - next / previous method, parent, code / file / framework browsers, etc.
  • other cool stuff

The website and the UI aren't flashy, but this thing really work well. 

Call to action: Take five minutes and install two VS.NET addins that will improve your current productivity, and get you in the mindset for the kind of productivity enhancements that are all over in VS.NET 2005.

  1. Install DPack 2.0.
  2. Install Gaston Milano's Whidbey Commands addin (two MSI's to install for this). Simon Chapman did a nice writeup with screenshots here.

Some DPack screenshots:



Source: Greg's Cool [Insert Clever Name] of the Day - DPack 2.0 is live

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